Medical Requirements
Applicants must demonstrate that they are physically prepared for the rigors of Air Force ROTC and their future careers in the military. As part of AFROTC, cadets must undergo a medical examination by a military doctor or designated civilian contractor. The medical examination will be scheduled and reviewed by the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB).
For students applying through the High School Scholarship Program, a waiver request will be automatically forwarded from DoDMERB to the Air Education and Training Command Surgeon General (AETC/SG) for consideration.
For college students or cadets, a waiver request must be submitted by Air Force ROTC Detachment Commander at your school to Air Education and Training Command Surgeon General (AETC/SG) for consideration.
If the waiver request is denied and there are extenuating circumstances that justify further consideration, follow the instructions in the DoDMERB notification letter about rebuttals.