Enlisted Requirements

Going From Stripes To Bars

Those who put on the uniform every day as an enlisted service member in the defense of this country deserve every opportunity to pursue their educational dreams and leadership potential. The U.S. Air Force and Space Force provide a variety of avenues through Air Force ROTC to achieve both. For scholarship details, see the enlisted scholarships page.

Joining Air Force ROTC From Other Branches

Members of other service branches who want to join Air Force ROTC and become Air Force or Space Force officers may apply for the Professional Officer Course-Early Release Program (POC-ERP) or the Airman Scholarship and Commissioning Program (ASCP). Members applying for entry into AFROTC must meet the requirements for the program to which they are applying and obtain a conditional enlistment release from their service personnel system.

Applicants are not authorized to pursue a second bachelor’s or graduate degree or apply if they are within one year of completing a bachelor’s degree.

For questions on how to obtain a conditional release from your enlistment, please see your personnel office for assistance.


To qualify, an applicant must:

  1. Be a United States citizen.
  2. Have one year’s time in service (waiverable).
  3. Have one year’s time on station (waiverable).
  4. Be recommended by immediate commander.
  5. Pass AFROTC Physical Fitness Test.
  6. Be admitted to a school offering AFROTC.
  7. Have qualifying Air Force or Space Force Officer Qualification Test scores.
  8. Be commissioned and enter active duty before age 39 (to receive a scholarship, you must be under age 31 on December 31 of the commissioning year).
  9. Be able to complete all undergraduate degree requirements in two years or less (minimum 1.5 years with a waiver).
  10. Have at least a 3.0 cumulative college grade point average.
  11. Not be selected for a reassignment prior to submission of the application (waiver requests are due August 15).


While the Air Force maintains several Enlisted Commissioning Programs, many prior-service members separate from active duty and participate in Air Force ROTC by attending college with their GI Bill benefits. For more on the G.I. Bill, please review the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website.

Application Process

Please see the Enlisted Commissioning Programs website for guidance on the application process. For specific questions, please contact Air Force ROTC Enlisted Commissioning Program Office at 334-953-5122 or send an email to afrotc.rrue@us.af.mil.

Learn About AFROTC Scholarships
