College Student Scholarship Requirements

Applicant must attend a school with the Air Force ROTC program (host or crosstown) and must have completed at least one term as a full-time student.

U.S. Citizenship

Student must be a United States citizen or be able to obtain U.S. citizenship by the last day of the term in which the student intends to be awarded a scholarship.


For scholarship consideration, students must have a qualified Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB) physical. The physical exam will be scheduled at the nearest military base or at a designated civilian contractor.


Term and cumulative grade point averages will be used to assess your academic performance. The Air Force ROTC Commander will determine the minimum GPA and test scores, if applicable, for scholarship eligibility. Contact your school’s Air Force ROTC detachment for eligibility requirements.


Must take and pass the AFROTC Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA), with a minimum score of 75.

Service Obligation

You’re under no service obligation by simply applying for an Air Force ROTC scholarship. However, if you are awarded a scholarship, you become obligated when you accept and sign an agreement with the United States Air Force or Space Force.

If you are under legal age in the state where the school is located, your parent or legal guardian must sign this agreement.

You Will Agree To:

  1. Continue to pursue the academic major for which the scholarship is offered.
  2. Enroll in or continue participation in Air Force ROTC.
  3. Complete a 13-day summer field training course at Maxwell AFB, Alabama, between your sophomore and junior years.
  4. Complete Air Force ROTC General Military Course (GMC) your freshman and sophomore years and the Professional Officer Course (POC) your junior and senior years.
  5. Accept a commission as an Air Force or Space Force officer and serve at least four years on active duty.

Civil Involvements and Drug Use Disclosure

Air Force ROTC policy is to withdraw the scholarship offers for failure to disclose all civil involvements and drug or alcohol abuse that occurred prior to signing the scholarship and AFROTC agreement. AFROTC policy is to withdraw scholarship offers to students who use illegal drugs after being briefed on the Air Force drug and alcohol policy.

Financial Responsibility

When selecting a college or university, applicants and families are encouraged to consider their own ability to pay tuition. Although the applicant may have received a scholarship offer, there may be a delay in activation due to various reasons. If there is a delay in activation that extends beyond the start date of the first term of a scholarship offer, the designee is responsible for that term’s tuition. If the delay is due to ineligibility, the offer will be withdrawn. Once a scholarship has been activated, scholarship benefits may be suspended or terminated if the student fails to maintain academic or military retention standards.

Learn About The Scholarship Application Process

College Application Process